(405) 360·2905 connect@hbfamilychurch.com

Ministries & Programs


He-Brews is an evangelistic outreach created to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in a relevant way with people from all walks of life by meeting them right where they are.

The goal of He-Brews is to build relationships both insider and outside of the four walls of the church that will create an environment for lives to be transformed by the power of God.

The Next Youth Ministries

Our Youth Pastor is Collin Poulin.

As “The Next” generation, we are moving into our calling whether that be pastoring, becoming a missionary, or where ever God is leading us in our lives. Our goal is to spread the gospel while growing in our own spiritual relationship with God. It’s more than just a place to hang out, because we are making disciples out of them. Jeremiah 29:11

Men’s Group

Tony Lairson heads up the Men’s Ministry.

The Men’s Ministry is dedicated to helping Men become the spiritual leaders that the Lord calls them to be. The primary goal is to “Make Disciples” of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We stand on the Word of God and believe that Iron sharpens Iron. “As iron sharpents iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend” (Proverbs 27: 17). This is done by establishing a true and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, through prayer, worship, and the building of strong faith through the power of the Holy Spirit by daily reading and study of God’s Word.

Women’s Group

Sister DeeAnn Poulin heads up the women’s ministry.

Proverbs 31:10-31

Our group of ladies ages 17 and older supporting and nurturing each other, that each will grow to their full capacity in the ministry Jesus has called them to.

We are real women offering real life solutions to those striving to maintain life’s balance, in spite of today’s hectic pace. Where ever we may be on our spiritual journey our women’s ministry exist to be a trusted friend who understands the challenges we face, walks by our side, encouraging us as we walk towards the heart of God.

Our mission is to provide a place to worship and grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus, and to be a refuge and strength to each other. To restore the broken hearted and to be a strong support for other ladies. Sometimes our ladies need to get away from their daily routine and be refreshed through the fellowship of other ladies who are experiencing similar challenges.

Our fellowship consists of annual Alabaster Pouring Out services, Ladies Retreat, Rally’s, Monthly meetings, Secret Sisters, Fund Raising, Quilting, Pot Lucks, Encouragement, Reading and Studying the Bible, and Reaching out to those in need. So come join us and be a part of our growing ministry.

Children’s Ministry

Sister Christina Holland leads the children ministry.

Our mission is to reach the children in our community, to grow them in the Word of God and show them, with love, that they are loved, wanted and needed. To also teach them that with Christ, all things are possible!

Get in touch

Questions about our services, ministries or events? Even if you just want a little bit more information before walking through the doors, we're here for you.

1 + 11 =

Heaven Bound Family Church

1055 SE 24th Ave
Norman, OK
(405) 360-2905

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School - 9:45
Worship Service - 10:45